Wendy Vandersteen, Miracle Springs Inc.

We ordered the custom incubation system to rear our Arctic charr eggs in cold water.  Right from the start, we received excellent customer service from Aqua Logic.  Our order was under a tight time restriction, and Aqua Logic guaranteed to have the system built and delivered by a specific date. We were pleasantly surprised when the system arrived a week ahead of schedule.  As soon as we opened the shipping box, we were so pleased with the system.  The engineering was thoughtful and streamlined. All that we needed to do was plug the system in and fill it with water. Aqua Logic provided a simple one-page startup protocol, which our technicians found valuable as they started the system. During the start up process we discovered the chiller was not working, but Aqua Logic worked with us to help troubleshoot the problem.  They had their engineer call us immediately, and helped us determine that the coolant had leaked from the chiller through a bolt that had loosened during shipment. Once the coolant was refilled, the system started up seamlessly and reached operating temperature within three hours. It has been operating without issue ever since.  Not only do I have high confidence in the system, but it is a pleasure to use. I will definitely be acquiring additional incubation units in the future.